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May 21, 2024

Bearing Condition Monitoring with Ultrasound

Each part and component of your electrical equipment performs its own vital function, and a failure or defect in any of them can hinder the performance of your entire operation. Bearings are one of those parts– they bear a tremendous amount of activity in a machine, handling friction and continuous motion, and without the proper maintenance schedule and upkeep your clients are going to be dealing with a long string of problems caused by malfunctioning and failing bearings. 

Keeping to a practical and effective maintenance schedule for your clients’ equipment can sometimes feel like it requires a crystal ball, but it’s not so mystical when you have a tool like ultrasonic testing from Discovery Sound Technology to guide your decisions!

Problems with Mechanical Bearings

Finding the right levels and frequencies of lubrication for the bearings in your clients’ equipment is not a task for the faint of heart. It’s entirely possible to both over-lubricate and under-lubricate the bearings, each with its own host of problems, from increased lubrication viscosity and material waste to high levels of friction and overheating. If you don’t nail down the right schedule that keeps the bearings optimally functioning, you risk costing yourself both time and money in trying to fix the issues that improper maintenance can cause!

Using Sound

Ultrasonic testing is a revolutionary testing method for all types of mechanical and electrical equipment. Not only is it easy, cost-effective, and practical, but it’s best used while a piece of machinery is actively operating, allowing testing to be performed without disrupting normal workflow. The sensitive ultrasound receivers of an ultrasonic testing unit pick up sound waves off the equipment, using advanced technology to interpret those waves into readings that tell a trained technician what’s going on inside any given piece of equipment. These detailed reports help you to tailor your maintenance schedule to the actual needs of the equipment, preventing problems before they ever arise!

How DST Helps Your Bearings

The sounds that the bearings in the equipment make are usually imperceptible to the human ear, and even if you could pick them up, you would have a hard time deciphering what each little squeak or grinding noise means. With the power of DST, however, those sounds provide a roadmap to exactly what the machinery needs. It’s possible with DST to detect a bearing that is undergoing too much friction and wear and should be lubricated immediately, and also a bearing that will need lubrication soon, but not yet. Ultrasonic testing is not just about finding faults so that they can be repaired– it’s about preventing them before they even happen!

Caring for the health of the equipment is about to become easier than ever for you with the help of Discovery Sound Technology and our advanced ultrasonic testing. If you’re interested in learning more, make sure to contact us today!


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