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January 2, 2024

Finding Leaks and Broken Valve Plates with DST | Discovery Sound Technology

When you aren’t utilizing DST’s patented ultrasound platform with your clients, their equipment, parts, and components can just fail unexpectedly sometimes. This leaves them and you with malfunctions, leaks, and broken parts to deal with. It’s expensive, time consuming, and extremely inconvenient to both find and fix these problems. DST prevents surprise failures. 

Not only is our cutting-edge technology adept at locating issues like leaks and HVAC/R valve plate issues, but it can also continue to help after the repair is complete by predicting similar issues in the future. DST takes your machinery and equipment from a mystery full of frustration and stress to something you can always rely on, especially when you need it most. That’s the power of Discovery Sound Technology and ultrasonic testing!

Crucial Repairs in a Timely Manner

One of our Service Partners worked on a project at a US government nuclear propulsion research facility where there was a 200-ton air-handling unit with a leak. The tech assigned to work on the problem spent 2 days on site trying to find the leak with traditional methods. That’s a lot of time and effort wasted, especially on such a crucial fix! After charging up the battery in a DST tool, the leak was found and pinpointed inside the air handler within five minutes, saving even more labor and time and allowing the problem to be fixed.

How DST Works to Detect Leaks

Finding leaks, especially refrigerant and air leaks, can be an exercise in frustration when it comes to your clients’ machinery and equipment maintenance. Often, it’s difficult to even know that there is a leak until it’s done so much damage that it becomes easy to notice. However, preventative maintenance with Discovery Sound Technology makes it easy to locate and fix HVAC/R refrigerant and control equipment leaks in their earliest stages before they’ve caused too many problems. Medical facilities love the reduction in medical gas leaks as well.

Locating a leak with DST’s ultrasonic testing system involves simply switching the system into Discovery Mode. This transforms the system into a sensitive and highly advanced listening device. It takes very little time to scan your equipment where it might be possible for a leak to spring, such as pressurized component areas. Afterwards, the system will analyze the ultrasound intake, listening at ultrasonic levels and identifying issues. It will tell you where on the equipment a leak is located quickly.

Benefits of DST

Using the power of DST’s ultrasonic testing to keep your machinery in good working order is one of the best things that you can do for yourself and for your business. Whether your team services an industry like government facilities or your business deals with something that people use every day, like HVAC/R or manufacturing equipment, you can benefit from applying DST to your upkeep and preventative maintenance processes. 

Not only is DST’s ultrasonic testing quick, easy, and simple to use, but the ultrasound technology that powers this method is incredibly sensitive and precise, giving you exact readings that can not only indicate the current state of your equipment, but predict failures, leaks, and malfunctions that may happen in the future.  DST’s platform uses comparative analytics to compare your equipment to other “like” pieces of equipment in the database.

DST is also a fully
nondestructive form of testing, meaning that you never have to dismantle or break down your equipment to learn what’s going on inside. It’s even usable while your machinery is in operation, meaning it’s easy to perform important testing without slowing, stopping, or changing your clients’ schedule! 

DST is cost effective and versatile, working on a wide variety of HVAC/R equipment including mechanical, pneumatic, electrical, and electronic components. It’s incredibly efficient and fast, giving you near-instant readings and information so that you can create a plan for maintenance or repairs right away with the right level of technician capability depending upon the condition.

Issues in your clients’ HVAC/R systems and other machinery can be located, fixed, and even predicted just as quickly when you have the power of DST’s ultrasonic technology on your side! You can
contact us to learn more about this system and how it can help you.


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