Lower Total Costs


Spending money on the maintenance, repair, and general upkeep of equipment is just a part of running a business. However, over time it can become a column on your expenses sheet that makes you sweat. Facility Managers and business owners look for places to cut costs and save money where they can, but you don’t have to reduce the efficacy or safety of your mechanical equipment in order to lower your total costs of ownership! Relying on a diagnostic technology like DST can make a major difference in your budget. Here’s how.

Extend the Life of Existing Equipment

Every piece of equipment you use and every component within it, from the smallest to the largest, has a lifespan, and at a certain point it will need repair or replacement. Otherwise, you risk the machine functioning poorly which can lead to a catastrophic failure, potentially creating a hazard, but certainly a larger expense. Finding ways to extend the life of your equipment can help you to save money. Since the lifespan is just an estimate based on many different conditions and factors, you’re in uncharted territory where a lot could go wrong by deferring maintenance. Instead of relying on ballpark recommendations, DST’s ultrasonic testing can provide you with real, fact-based, accurate reports about the current and future diagnostic state of your equipment and its components, helping you avoid catastrophic breakdowns that cause extensive damage. It also provides a comprehensive understanding of the actual condition that can prevent you from wasting money on prematurely replacing equipment that could have been economically repaired.

Trend Reports Assist with Capital Asset Planning

When what’s going on inside a piece of your equipment is a mystery, it’s difficult to know what it needs now or predict how it will behave in the future. The unique window into the inner workings of your machinery that DST provides can completely change this for you, giving you detailed knowledge of your machinery trends. With our ultrasound technology, we can generate information on the real-time condition of your equipment, deliver detailed trend analyses, and provide future life expectancy reports based on condition that will assist you in capital asset repair or replacement decisions.

Increase the Value of Commissioning Studies

When it comes to the information and data that’s available to you as a business owner or facility manager, more is always more, and with DST, more is what you get. Our technology allows you to supplement commissioning reports for building acquisitions, sales, or start-ups with priceless data about the condition of the facility’s equipment that is only available to you with the power of DST’s ultrasound technology. You can rest assured you know the actual condition of the HVAC/R equipment you’re considering acquiring in record time with appropriate documentation.

With its speed, efficacy, safety, and noninvasive qualities, DST and the ultrasonic technology we provide could be the thing that’s missing from your service business. Let us help you to lower your costs and increase your efficiency today! Contact us here to learn more.

“The DST technology gives owners standardization across all their facilities and it’s economical to integrate into operations. It can increase preventive maintenance program compliance to 100%”

Jorge Garcia

DST Field Product Manager

25+ Years HVAC/R Experience

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